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10.1 years
of experience in geomarketing
10.1 mailboxes
per sector on average
10.1 schránek
v sektoru
11 99 sectors
in our distribution network

Locate your customers

With our exact targeting, your campaign will be more effective. Our experts can pinpoint specific target customer groups, optimal distribution areas or driving radius. With our extensive technical background and accurate data, you can save up to 50% of printing and distribution costs and increase the response rate of your campaign by a third. Our network is divided into small distribution sectors, which ensures precise customer targeting.

Geomarketing is a specific discipline that combines various data such as geographic, statistic and business data. It works with extensive information systems. Geomarketing is a very effective tool for the planning and implementation of marketing activities, it helps you reach your customers as well as engage new ones.

targeting helps
you save
up to
increase in customer response rate by
ušetříme náklady
díky zacílení až o
zvýšení responze oslovených zákazníků

Benefits of geomarketing

Greater effectiveness

for your marketing activities thanks to accurate data


your customer groups according to economic, regional or sociodemographic parameters

Save on

printing and distribution services thanks to precise customer targeting

Our geomarketing analysis is based on:

Note: Geomarketing analysis is very useful not just when a leaflet distribution plan is being designed, but also when you have your billboards installed and need to select locations where your customers would notice them.

Our sources

Why choose Česká distribuční?

The most effective segmentation

on the market for precise customer targeting

Interactive mapping

displays, reviews and effectively uses the data

Geomarketing department

with experts in the field

Oddělení geomarketingu

se špičkovými odborníky

Moderní technologie

díky kterým máme přehled o 4 milionech českých schránek

Modern technologies

provide updated information about 4 millions of mailboxes

Online CEDI system and Leaflet Self-Service

for your campaign planning

Alternate fulfillment

purchase our services in an alternate fulfillment scheme

We identify your customers

1. Purchasing power analysis

In regions you select, we analyze the purchasing power and business data.

2. Geotargeting

We identify your customers in a particular region, district, town and town district or according to postcodes.

3. Sociodemographic targeting

We define the sociodemographic characteristics of your customers (age, sex, education, type of family).

4. Economic parameters

We consider the economic background (purchasing power, unemployement, housing).

5. Customer catchment areas

We define customer catchment areas and the locations your customers usually drive from to buy your services or goods.

6. Competitive analysis

We help you map competitors and their activities in a given area.

7. Target group

Based on the data collected and analyzed, we locate your target customers.

8. Strategy

We apply the data to your marketing strategy and propose an effective campaign plan.

9. Recapitulation

Together with you, we evaluate the campaign and recommend next steps for your business success.

1. Analýza kupní síly

Ve vámi vybraných regionech provedeme analýzu kupní síly <a>a obchodních dat.

2. Geografické zacílení

Vytipujeme zákazníky dle krajů, okresů, obcí a jejich částí nebo dle PSČ.

3. Sociodemografické zacílení

Zákazníky rozklíčujeme podle sociodemografických vlastností (věk, pohlaví, vzdělání, typ rodiny).

4. Zacílení dle ekonomických parametrů

Dále selektujeme dle ekonomického zázemí zákazníků (kupní síla, nezaměstnanost, typ bydlení).

5. Spádovost

Určíme geometrickou i přirozenou spádovost a zanalyzujeme, odkud k vám zákazníci nejčastěji dojíždějí a jaké trasy volí.

6. Analýza konkurence

Pomůžeme vám zmapovat úroveň konkurence v okolí.

7. Cílová skupina

Všechny provedené analýzy spojíme a lokalizujeme tak vaši cílovou skupinu.

8. Strategie

Získaná data propojíme s vaší marketingovou strategií <a>a naplánujeme vám efektivní kampaň.

9. Vyhodnocení

Spolu s vámi kampaň vyhodnotíme a doporučíme vám to nejlepší pro váš byznys.

Find out more about alternate fulfillment

We are a sheltered work employer. How does it affect you, our clients?

Zjistěte více o náhradním plnění

Jsme zaměstnavatelem na chráněném trhu práce. Co to pro vás znamená?


geomarketing department

Jan Senohrábek

e-mail: jan.senohrabek@distribucni.cz

Contact form

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Zajistíme, aby se o vás vědělo.
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